Corporate Finance, Legal, Management, NPA Management, Revival & Rehabilitation, Banking, Investment Banking, Venture Capital, Private Equity

Enriched with more than 55 clients including MNCs, Blue-chips, SMEs, Banks, FIs, Private Equity & Venture Funds

'BANCON' Means: One can Simply 'RELY ON'. As the name 'Bancon' means, our clients can Simply Rely on us.

Dipti's Awards & Achievements, her Milestones of Philanthropical Journey of Social Work & Achievements

  • Awarded 'Woman of Substance'
  • Appreciated by many Banks, Corporates International Organisations for her Valuable Services.
    Her Advisory-Services with Proven Performance Admired by more than 55 International Organisations/Corporates/MNCs/Banks/FIs/Venture Funds/Private Equity Funds
  • Well-Known for her Achievements & Ethics
  • Trustee/Member of Management Committee on some Reputed NGOs
  • Dipti is Well-Known for her SelfLess Services for Welfare of Human,
    Upliftment Development & Overall Welfare of Poor,
    Especially of Poor Women & Children from Slums, Streets & Villages
  • Dipti was Invited as Main Judge in the Inter-School Dance Competition in Gujrat, Shown Live on TV.

Dipti's Milestones of Philanthropical Journey of Social Work & Achievements:

  • Dipti has Promoted & Supported Education of many Poor Females-Children & Helpless Adult Females.
    She has trained Poor Females for Yoga etc Free of cost
  • Dipti has taken up/takes up Matters Effectively with Government Authorities for Social Causes Selflessly:
    for Organising Road & Closing Gutters of Road etc to some Societies,
    for Cleanliness of Public Roads,
    for Transparency & Laws-Compliances in the interest of the Societies.
  • Dipti has Created & Performed Classical, Semi-classical & Dance-Fusion shows for Social Welfare & Charitable Purposes
  • Dipti Offered/Offers Legal Protection & Services to Poor Victimised Women
  • Now the Big Project is in Process for
    Upliftment, Development & Overall Welfare of Poor,
    Especially of Poor Women & Children from Slums, Streets & Villages;
    for which Discussions are on Final Stage with National & International Organisations for which Sessions & Approvals are Expected in near Future.
  • Dipti has Offered to the World Bank group that she wishes to offer her Selfless Services as Successful Consultant with Global Education & Expertise with Selfless Social Work for Upliftment of Poor, Women Empowerment & Peace in the World for Prosperity.
    Dipti participated in the Civil Society Policy Forum of the World Bank Group-2017.

Dipti's Social Services in Contexts to National Issues, Some Political Persons, Government, World Organisations etc.:

  • Dipti had, on TV Discussions, effectively explained Fundamental Rights of Expressions as per our Constitution with some crucial restrictions as mentioned in Constitution.
  • As Dipti is Effective Invitee-Speaker in Discussions & Debates on some Critical Issues on News-Channels,
    she had Objected the Defamation-Circular by Shri Kejriwal, CM-Delhi, his Restricting Freedom of Press including Freedom of TV-News-Channels.
  • She is the One out of just two persons who had mentioned on TV-Discussions that anyone can approach Supreme Court to cancel such Circular restricting Freedom of Expressions of Press.
    Supreme Court then had Actually passed the Order cancelling such Circular.
  • She had written to Kejriwal in February-2014 before he resigned that he should NOT have Excuse of the Governor not allowing him to table Jan-Lokpal Bill.
    She had said that this Bill had provision of Finance from Centre which they should have removed so that there was no need for Governor to send that Bill to Parliament. It was immediately Headlines in some Newspapers.
  • She had Condemned the Immoral Illegal Language used by Lawyers of Rapist in Nirbhaya-Rape case while discussing the Legal-Reforms required for such cases on TV-News-Channels.
    These Lawyers then got Notice from Bar-Councils.
  • She had Commented in 2015 on TV-News Channels on Land-Aquisition Bill proposed by the Government & Injustice being done with Farmers.
    She had also criticised Standards fallen in Higher Education, the Liablity Clause removed in Nuclear Bill, the Provoking Statements used in public on Castism by some Leaders etc.
  • The Channels say that whatever she speaks/had spoken on Channels were well-taken by authorities, Ministries & Government; in Rectification/Correction/Improvement acts.
    The Channels themselves say that her Comments, Advices, Criticism are very Specific & Sound, not too Common.
  • Recently, the Ministry has appreciated the Reforms suggested by her of 24/12 hours Hotline supporting & advising people etc, Portal ensuring Timely Justice & Transparency etc. &
    Amendments in Laws allowing the Cooperative Banks for Public Issue in such a way that the Existing Members as well as Public get benefits of the same.
  • Recently, he Authorities of Chief Minister & Finance Minister as well as some Officials of World Bank Admired her Social Initiatives, without any Financial & Materialistic Expectations, to support poor Farmers of the State & develop Women farmers.

  • Her Initiatives of Honorary Services, her writing to World Bank Group about the Plan which can bring Social Reforms with Economic Transformation in Rural areas, increase in Productivity of farmers, Reduction in Poverty & Overall Growth of the State & Country; were well appreciated & acknowledged by the aforesaid authorities.
  • Her Initiatives & Communication reminding the analysis of the World Bank & Global Analysis that
    In India & in Maharashtra though GDP is growing the Crucial problem is Gap between Rich & Poor that is also growing,
    Unless the same is addressed with Sound Policies & Implementation, the Path towards being Developed Country would not be Meaningful;
    Are well-taken by the concerned Ministry & Authorities.